

School hours are from 9.15 am to 3.15 pm Monday to Friday. Children should not be brought to school before 8.45 am and should not be left after 3.30 pm during school days. This policy will be strictly enforced. These timings should be strictly followed.


First Bell 08.45
Second Bell 08.50
Morning Assembly 09.00-9.15
I Period 09.15 – 09.55
II Period 05.55 - 10.35
Interval 10.35 - 10.45
III Period 10.45 - 11.25
IV Period 11.25 - 12.05
V Period 12.05 - 1245
Lunch Break 12.45 - 01.25
VI Period 01.25 - 02.00
VII Period 02.00 - 02.35
Interval 02.35 - 02.40
VIII Period 02.40 - 03.15
National Anthem 03.15